Skånes Brukarförening blev kontaktade av en kille från England som ville titta närmare på situationen kring Öresund för några månader sedan – vi hade kontakt fram o tillbaka en tid innan vi en eftermiddag satte oss några från föreningen och snackade igenom hur vi ser på det, hur det ser ut på vår sida Öresund kontra den danska. Undertill går det att läsa hur själva upplägget ser ut – vill man läsa vad vi pratade om – vad föreningen sysslar med – mål, syfte, aktiviteter och hur det sett ut hittills så går det att läsa i bifogat.
Det ska också sägas att när han i detta sammhanget pratar om Swedish drug Users Union så avses först o främst Skånes Brukarförening.
Smørrebrød or Smörgåsbord: Danish and Swedish drug users unions: contexts, aims, activities, achievements.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to first, inform readers of the roles, activities and contexts of drugusers unions in Denmark and Sweden(Southern Sweden, Scania/Skåne). Second, to show the achievements and impacts of the two. Third, to
illustrate the differing social and political situations in the two countries and how they determine the prioritiesand activity of the unions.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper is written by a UK commentator who bases the text on meetings, interviews and conversations with members and representatives of the two unions.
Spokespersons for both unions have contributed to, commented on and clarified draft texts and provided contextual papers and information.
Findings – The two unions have differing roles and levels of acceptance and influence according to the political and legal situations in the two countries. There are differing situations and needs in Denmark and Sweden, reflected in the levels of drug-related deaths. There is no “Scandinavian” model. In Denmark the users union is involved in high-level discussions on policy making and practice. In Sweden the new unions
are starting to be involved in local discussions about provision and practice.
Research limitations/implications – Danish experience shows how political acceptance of the existence of a drug using population is leading to improved health and well-being amongst that population, and to social policy responses which are inclusive of this and other marginalised groups, and to a reduction of stigma and demonisation. Swedish experience differs and can be seen as essentially prohibitionist and punitive. Many Swedish drug users are moving to Denmark because of the levels of service and social attitudes. It may be of interest to UK policy to adopt a similar approach to drug users organisations – as distinct from service users’ voices.
Practical implications – Strengthening the role of drug users unions in all countries and including them in national policy making discussion and debate.
Social implications – Accepting the existence and needs of drug using groups in society and developing responses informed by their views and experience. Adopting inclusive social policies and recognising the variety of need and choices in treatment. Combatting stigma and demonisation.
Originality/value – The paper is based on extensive interviews and conversations whose results and content are recorded, not interpreted. The Danish work was conducted in Danish, adding to the number of voices and conversations it was possible to include. A distinction between policy and practice in Denmark and Sweden is established which may run counter to UK impressions of “Scandinavian” rather
than national realities.
Keywords – Involvement, Sweden, Denmark, Drug users unions, Policy making, User welfare and interests
Paper type – Case study